Cesarini Luthier Custom Shop
Listen to our instruments on Youtube!

All the electric instruments of our luthier custom shop. Timeless handcrafted creations.
Reissue Series, Vintage Series, Masterbuilt.

You can change / add / delete any part of the guitar to make it closer to your personality.

Here you will find Cesarini Pickup & Piezo; Piezo system are produced in our laboratory. We offer various solutions to electrify your instrument.

Liuteria Cesarini is an authorized center of LR Baggs systems, of which it can offer the best prices on the market. We recommend the purchase of their pre-amplifiers to apply those to our piezo systems.

Liuteria Cesarini mount Fernaneds Sustainer parts and many other types of pickups

Thanks to the partnership with Audere USA preamplifiers, we can customize and create any type of active circuit