In the picture there is our C – Big Beat, Cesarini Vintage style humbucker pickups, winded with 0.050 mm thread. This pickup necessarily needs wax potting, since it would give, with the use of distortion, a series of particularly audible problems, even in a low-volume performance. With the comed era of Hi-fi and new Hi-end amp equipment solution, shielding PU it become a must on the production process. Gibson 59 or other famous pickups didn’t have that, but amplification and audio solutions were really different at the time.

There would be a lot to say about the waxing (shielding) of a pickup. We leave the most accurate description to another post. We use to waxing pot pickups on every Cesarini model and on restorations, we use paraffin cause it’s liquid state point it’s less dangerous than beeswax.
(HERE C-BIG Beat – Stefano Mincone AUDIO TEST)